Tuesday, 22 June 2010
My blog experience
I've never had got a blog, so this was the chance to crate my first one. I didn`t know what name to put it, so I took my ipod and then I chosed a song. This was "It’s oh so quiet" by Bjork, so for that I put the name. The only difference was that the word “oh” I put it first.To me, to have a blog , has been really funny, because is a way for expresion and it’s also, a new form (for me) to write articules. I have learned a lot of writing here, I’ve fixed grammar mistakes and also I’ve learned new words. Sometimes writing can be difficult and boring, for example when the topic is bored to me. But in general, I can say that bolg has improved my vocabulary in English. Particulary, because when you’re writing you can’t repit the words.That improve in the vocabulary is, to me, the main advantage that the blog gave us. Also, another advantage is to know what our classmates think about different themes. The disadvantage I think that blog has, is just one. That you can’t talk, only write, and I would have liked talk more in class to practice oral exposition.In general, this activity was good to me, because in ours carrers writing will be one of the mains thing to do. Also, in school I had never write so much. I was used to practice more oral tests than writing, so I think that my escriture is much better than the first day os class.So my recommendation to the next level is that we could practice more oral tests.Thank you miss for this oportunity, I enjoy it, and I think that now I know more Enghlish that I did at first.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Chile 2-1 tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

The world cup:
Personally I always liked soccer, I even used to play when I was a childe. Now I’m really intersted in the world cup, because the emotion that you feel when you’re looking a soccer game is really funny.
I think that this world cup is going to be funny, because I like many players…yeaah I also see soccer because of the players.
Tomorrow is my causin’s birthday so I’m going to see the match in my home (I live with her family) taking breakfast with “Dunking Donats”. They are not big fun of soccer, so I’m afraid that they are gonig to talk all the match and I wont listen every coments.
Also tomorrow I have a test, so I think that I will study a lot in the night and I will fall a sleep for a short time, so sadly. But in the moment of the soccer that wont be important, because this is going to be the first soccer match of Chile in the World Cup that I’ve ever seen. So, I hope that the emotion eraser the sleepy of me in the morning.
I think that tomorrow Chile is going to mark 2 goals and maybe Honduras is going to mark, has a maximum, one goal. There’s no posibility that Hondura marks more. And I thnik that the plaayer that is going to be the most importtant to Chile tomorrow are going to be Mago Valdivia and Alexis Sanchez. Obviusly the rest of the team is going to play as better as they’d never played.
To Chile, the fact of being in the World cup, is very important for many reasons. The first one is that soccer is the most popular sport, so many people is going to wath it. Also, the world cuo is the most important cup that a country can play.
I hope that Chile win all the matches!!!! Yeaah!
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
I love this picture!

PD: please see this pictures I've found
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Bariloche 2010
This was on summer of 2009 and in the summer of 2010 they invited me again. This second time was the best. We were in Bariloche, Argentina, for more than a week at the end of February.
The travel started in his house and with his family and we were on a car for 6 hours until to arrived . When we arrived to the hotel in Bariloche my first impression was that the hotel was amazing and the city was ugliest than I thought, it seems that in winter is niceset.
We travel a lot arounf the city and it was surrounded by amazings hills.
What I most like about the city was the food; the meal was excellent and also the wine we tasted. Another thing that I really like about the all trip was the good time I spend in it. To be the last days of the summer with my boyfriend eating great, walking at night, meeting new people was one of the funniest things in the summer.
The people were really nice and happy most of time, so to me it’s true that thing that people said about argentinian people. Another thing that I could check was that the chocolate and the meal were best there. I think I have never eat so many chocolate like I did in that days.